Sunday, 17 August 2014 13:30

The general manager of Kurdistan Region Affairs of Iraq and Iran said: Selling Oil to Israel from Kurdistan and the news like this are old whose only aim is to destroy good relations between Iran and Kurdistan Region.

Abdullah Akerei the general manager of relation affairs of Kurdistan Iran in talk with dispatched reporter of Fars Press in Iraq explained about Iraq situations and Kurds positions about this, Kurdistan region’s plan to be independence and selling oil to Turkey and its relation with Israel.

Concerning Kurdista region situation of Iraq he said we felt the danger of Salafi, Daesh and Al-Qaeda moves in the region and announced it to Maliki and the central government but the answer came from Baghdad was that Mussel was with us and there was no problem. Regarding these conditions we started to stabilize our positions since two months ago of which measures were to excavate canals among Kurdistan, Iraq and Syria as well as Erbil and Kirkuk. I have to say the differences between central government and Kurdistan caused authorities being far and the enemies took advantage of this.


About the regions in which the devotees presented he said these regions are Kurdish. He continued to say this dates back to 70s when Mullah Mustafa Barezani had fifths against Ba’ath regime to accomplish the independence and after Saddam fall it again came under matter, and there are differences in the regions of Kirkuk and Khaneghein. We sacrificed lots of martyrs in the way of our fighting and the revolution origin was in Erbil that we along with Shia followed it. We are ally of Shia and there are no differences between us. Furthermore he mentioned Masood Barezani’s phrases which suggested to form a collaboration government to prevent any crises. He added that the devotees presenting in the regions during the crisis would keep staying and not leave. He even said if one was selected from Legal Collaboration then the condition would have been prepared to solve the concerns between central government and the region.

In a response to question concerning the solution of the current crisis he said we should back to the parliament and parties and Iraqi leaders and form a home collaboration government as soon as possible. The base of the government has to be the collaboration of parties and groups and tribes. He said such government would not be fragile due to Kurds and Shias cooperation. He also stated even though all Iraqi Kurds desire independence, we have not any problem with federal government to prevent any crises. He continued to say if we knew we would not come up with a solutions the best was to announce the independence. He said it was good Iran and Turkey as well.







Friday, 13 June 2014 18:00

Nazem Dabbagh in talk with Fars Press announced: the Pishmargh forces have the necessary preparedness to confront, we wait for authorities’ commend of Kurdistan as do they for central government’s ask to interfere and help.

Nazem Debagh, the representative of KRG of Iraq in Tehran in talk with Fars Press about the events taken place in Mosul and ISIS advancing in the region said: cautiously Kurdish forces have vacated parts of the region, therein ISIS forces by owing high-tech weapons has gained more power and seeks to gradually occupy region as a whole.

In a response to a question about the reaction of Kurdistan of Iraq to these events said: Pishmargh forces have enough preparedness to react and looking forward to commends of Kurdistan authorities as do they to central government’s ask to act and help.

The representative of KRG of Iraq in Tehran continued to mention that the security forces overcome eastern part of the river of Dejlah; In addition, security forces and Pishmargh has set to protect Kurds in this part and are in action.

Nazem Debagh, at the end, pointed: the Pishmargh forces have been deployed on frontier of Kurdistan and wait for commend to act and to establish the security.








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